Time as a service

The United States is changing its daylight savings time (DST) dates this year to begin three weeks earlier and end one week later than they have in previous years. I’m sure that everyone agrees (actually, I’m more sure that someone disagrees, preferring to control this entirely themselves) that it’s nice not to have to remember to change our time on numerous devices such as personal computers, mobile devices or even watches when DST changes occur. Each of these systems has a calendar, that has the DST (and other events), coded in enabling the system to automatically update clocks for us. Now those windows have changed and this is causing all sorts of problems in applications that were constructed and deployed before this decision was made. In a few weeks my calendar will think that it is an hour earlier than I (and my many colleagues) think it is. Coordinating meetings for this three week period is already proving challenging.This is an ideal example of something that should be packaged as a service. Sure, there still exist devices that are not connected to the cloud (my watch, for example), but for those that are connected, establishing the correct time, relative to location/timezone is something that should be provided as a service. This should be the last time that changes such as this should cause such a major headache.

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