Technorati and tags
I’ve just signed up for Technorati and have spent some time this afternoon familiarizing myself with the service. I’m a big, big fan of context – tagging, metadata, whatever the mechanism – so I am enthusiastic about understanding and leveraging this tool to its fullest. Regretably, I didn’t find the site as intuitive as I had hoped; I’ve resorted to reading developer documentation, generally a great source for developers – what do non-developers do? Ah but that is a separate post.One of the things I tried to figure out via trial and error and then ultimately looked at the developer pages for the answer was around blog and post tags. When I do a tag search, I get plenty of hits where the search term is not, in fact, in a blog post tag but rather in the post itself. Whatup? Well, I had fallen into the trap of thinking that Technorati saw my post as the RSS feed – after all, Technorati is a program that is consuming a data source that happens to have a structured format available. Hey, come to think of it, I never configured my blog registration with the rss feed, only the URL of the blog. Ah, that explains it. Okay, now the behavior I observed makes sense.Sooo, I went back to the configuration page for the blog to enter the URI for the rss feed and alas, nothing there. I’m not sure if there is a reason for their approach, which I did find documented in the developer pages; the answer (posted here) is to configure your blog pages so that there is a link entry within the source of the page. So now, I have the following in my blog page headers:<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="All Entries"
href="" />
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