What happened to the FUSE->FUSE Project option in the eclipse plugin?

A colleague of mine was still running eclipse with an older version of the FUSE plugin – in particular 1.0.0. He had a single option under the New->Project->FUSE category called “FUSE Project”. Selecting this option created what was essentially a web services project (in particular we are using it for RESTful services) that had all of the libraries set up, etc.When I installed the latest version of everything, following the instructions in the FUSE installation guide that option was gone. Under the FUSE category there are now three options that are all essentially Camel focused – EIPs and the like. I did some digging and found that creating a web services project set up for FUSE (Service Mix – CXF) is now done via project options shipped with the Eclipse Web Tools Platform. Here’s how it works:Select File->New->Project and then under Web select Dynamic Web Project. Clicking “Next” presents the following dialog:Creating CXF ProjectUnder the Configuration section select the CXF Web Services Project v2.5 option and that’s it. Exporting this project to a war includes all of the necessary jars. This does, of course, require that you have set your CXF runtime preferences appropriately. In Windows->Preferences:Setting CXF Runtime ParametersThe only gotcha I ran into was that plugin installation order matters. It’s still not clear to me if and when WTP is included in Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers – the WTP 3.1 Release page says it does with Galileo but I was constrained to using Ganymede for other plugin compatibility; installing Ganymede Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers did NOT seem to include the WTP, at least not the CXF pieces. Assuming WTP has to be installed, and assuming I want to install the latest FUSE integration designer, you have to install WTP first. When I did the FUSE plugin first I had several problems, most notably there was no CXF 2.x Preferences option under the Web Services preferences (see screen shot above); this is an option that is added when you install the appropriate parts of the WTP.UPDATE 1/22/2010:I’ve just installed Galileo and while it does include WTP, it does not include the CXF portions. Go to the update sitehttp://download.eclipse.org/webtools/updatesand then expanding each of Web Tools Platform, Web Tools Platform SDK and Web Tools Platform Tests (optional) select the CXF pieces – there is one in each category.Installing CXF tools with WTP

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