JSR-170 (JSR-283) as an in the application server interface

I was recently listening to Jon Udell’s podcast conversation with Roy Fielding about HTTP, REST, WebDAV, JSR 170 and Waka. Lots of interesting tidbits in there but one in particular that I wanted to post on is with respect to JSR-170 and JSR-283; I’ve not heard these charactizations put quite as clearly before. Roy, being […]

The punch line for ontologies

I’m just getting to the point where I understand enough about ontologies to see the challenges that lie ahead for me as an evangalist for them. So when I receive a gift such as this, an absolutely compelling and easy to understand example of the value of ontologies, it makes me speak out loud in […]

Ontologies, OWL, Protege

I spent the first week of the new year (it was a very quite week) playing with ontologies. Major cudos to the group at Stanford that is responsible for Protege. Protege is an ontology editor, opensource and free. I’ve installed and played with the tool and it is quite decent, but the Protege-OWL tutorial that […]

Content Management Standards Becoming More Interesting

EMC’s developer conference (DevCon) is this week and yesterday I spoke on Standards for Content Management. I’ve spoken on this subject, both at the EMC Software User Conferences (Momentum) and at DevCon for the last two years. Some stats: Event # of Conf. Attendees # of session Attendees – 2005 # of session Attendees – […]

XML Spy bug: predicate evaluation order

The Xpath 2.0 specification describes predicates and specifically predicate ordering with “In the case of multiple adjacent predicates, the predicates are applied from left to right, and the result of applying each predicate serves as the input sequence for the following predicate.” Unfortunately XML Spy seems to have a bug. Given the following example, again […]


I’ve been spending a fair bit of my morning reading posts in “complexity of SOA” fray and it caused me to wonder, really, how many WS-* standards (approved or in the works) are there? First place I thought to look turned out to be the winner: Wikipedia has what is presumably a current list of […]

Wiki, WCM and collaboration

I am currently working in a cross industry group and we have elected to use a Wiki for collaboration. Now, I’ll admit right off that coming originally from the eRoom side of EMC (I currently work in the Content Management Software Group) I have been spoiled and I measure all collaborative experiences against that of […]