Atompub collections and resource collections

There is a subtle but important difference in the use of the term “collection” in the context of resource oriented architectures and Atom standards. I’ve literally had this conversation 3 or 4 times with colleagues in the last week or two so thought it relevant to post.At the crux of the matter is the fact […]

The new consumer of Atom/RSS feeds

Just this week I was talking with some colleagues about Atom and its applicability to representing content types other than blog entries and news articles and at the same time a query came over the atom syntax mailing list asking about feeds of non-blog content for use in mashups. Aside from mashups being one of […]

WOW – Photojournalism at its best

I got there via a rather convoluted path (that I’ll spare you), and I cannot believe that I hadn’t seen this before but Chris Jordan is truly a talent and one with a strong social conscience to boot. Wow. His current work, called Running the Numbers: an American Self-Portrait, (not yet complete) is to produce […]

The JSON and XML debate and what worries me most about JSON…

…my concern is not one of features of JSON – please read on.Okay, so I’ve spent a fair part of the afternoon today surfing through dozens of articles that address JSON vs. XML. And like any other “vs.” debate, these articles express capabilities of each and there are obviously “things” that one addresses differently than […]

Upgraded WordPress

I finally got around to upgrading my WordPress version – if I had known that it would really be as easy as they said it would be I wouldn’t have waited this long. The upgrade was really not more than the 5 steps described here. It almost took me longer to find my DB username […]

Web 2.0 and SOA World

A couple of weeks ago I attended the SOA World Conference and Expo in New York City. I gave a presentation on interoperability for content management; I’ll post on that topic again very soon, starting with my SOA World presentation but in short, it’s about standards and they need to be service oriented. More on […]

Web Services enabling the non-programmer

We are headed in the right direction! After years, actually decades, of talking about “high-level” programming languages we have achieved the first major increment since the time where programmers were given a means to program in something other than assembly language.I’m a computer scientist. I love programming languages. The more sophisticated (complicated) the better. Okay, […]

Time as a service

The United States is changing its daylight savings time (DST) dates this year to begin three weeks earlier and end one week later than they have in previous years. I’m sure that everyone agrees (actually, I’m more sure that someone disagrees, preferring to control this entirely themselves) that it’s nice not to have to remember […]